1 kg
Identified with an undeniable characteristic paprika flavour and colour, having a compact and buttery texture, with a slight taste of butter. The paprika with its edible rind, makes it so when tasting it together, to have a very pleasant and special aroma and flavour.
Ingredients / Ripening
Made with pasteurised goat’s milk and covered in La Vera paprika. 20 days minimum ripening.
Pairing / Consumption
Combines well with young white and medium aging (crianza) red wines. Conservation: Keep refrigerated between 4ºC and 8ºC. Once opened, for optimum conservation it is recommended to cover the cut cheese with aluminium foil or plastic, leaving the crust uncovered. Consumption: Leave the cheese at room temperature approximately 10 minutes prior to consumption in order to fully partake of its flavour, texture and smell.