1. Company details

In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we provide below the following company information.


Tax Identification Number (CIF):  A24013922

Registered Address: Avda. de La Libertad, 24 – 24193 Navatejera (León – Spain)

Telephone: 987285100


2. Intellectual Property

The source code, graphic design, images, photographs, sounds, animations, software, texts as well as the information and contents in this website are protected by Spanish legislation regarding intellectual property rights favouring INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A., and do not permit the reproduction and/or publication, whether total or partial, of this website, its computer processing, distribution, its circulation, alteration, transformation or decompilation, or any other rights legally recognised as this company’s, without prior permission, in writing, from INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A.

The visitor may only use the information contained within this web page, for his/her personal and private knowledge, and may not use it for commercial purposes or any illicit activity.

All intellectual rights derived from the intellectual property are the exclusive property INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A.

INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A. will safeguard the compliance of the aforementioned conditions as well as the due use of contents presented in their website, and shall exercise any legal actions necessary in the case of any misuse or incompliance with these rights by any user.


3. Miscellaneous

INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A. does not make use of cookies that are installed in any computer. Cookies are small files that our computer sends to your, however, they do not gather information regarding anyone’s name or any other personal data. When the visitor enters the INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A. web pages, the server which hosts them will automatically recognise the IP address, the date and time of the visit and its closing, as well as those sections visited. This is necessary in order for the server to communicate and acknowledge the request made from the computer for the navigator to place the web pages on the screen.

B.- INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A. shall be entitled to change any information contained on its website as well as its configuration and presentation without previous notice.

C.- INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A. is committed NOT TO CARRY OUT MISLEADING PUBLICITY  Ad to said effect, any mistakes in content or numbers occurring in the different sections of the website of INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A., as a consequence of maintenance or incomplete up-dating contained in these sections shall not be considered misleading publicity.  INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A., shall correct any errors as soon as they have been made aware of them.

D.- INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A. shall not SEND ANY COMMERCIAL NOTICES WITHOUT IDENTIFYING THEM AS SUCH, as per Law 34/2002 regarding Services to the Information Society and Electronic Commerce. In this respect, information mailed to clients of INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A. shall not be considered commercial as long as it is a part of the relationship existing between INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A. and said client, as well as relative to the continuation of information and other services that the client has contracted with the company.

E.- INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A. shall not be responsible for any incompliance with any applicable regulation that a visitor to this website shall commit or any use made of the information contained in it.

F.- INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A. shall not be responsible for any type of harm caused by the use of the information contained in this website, by the material contained in this website or the programmes it incorporates. The links and hypertext that are contained in these pages that permit instant connection to other sites offered by third parties, do not belong to nor are controlled by INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A. and we are not responsible for any information contained in them or any effects caused by said information.

G.- INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS SAN VICENTE, S.A. shall not be responsible for the illegitimate use third parties could make of trademarks, product names, commercial brands that, although not belonging to the company,  appear on the website. Nor shall it be responsible for the integrity, truth or legality of the content of any of the websites linked to our pages or accessible from them.

H.- In conclusion, the user/visitor is solely responsible for any use she/he makes of the services, contents, links or hypertext contained in this website.